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Overview - What is the CVQ?

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What is the CVQ?

The Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) is a CARICOM approved award that represents achievement of a set of competencies which define core work practices of an occupational area, consistent with the levels articulated within the regional qualifications framework.

To earn an award, candidates must demonstrate competence in reaching CARICOM-approved occupational standards developed by practitioners and employers (i.e. the industry experts). These standards are organized in units. Candidates may earn unit awards towards achieving a complete CVQ.
Regional Qualifications Framework

  • Level 5 -( Executive Professional)
  • Level 4 - (Manager/Entrepreneur)
  • Level 3 - (Supervisor/Technician/Instructor)
  • Level 2 - Skilled/Independent Worker)
  • Level 1 - (Semi-Skilled Worker)

The aim of the CVQ is the development of the Ideal Caribbean Worker. It is an award that represents the achievement of a set of competencies that define the core work practices of an occupational area consistent with the levels articulated within the regional qualification framework

Benefits of the CVQ
  • It is a broad-based preparation for employment
  • It provides an alternative route to further / higher education
  • It has parallel standing with academic qualifications at same level
  • Will complement the academic track
  • Apprenticeship with real World of Work experience
  • Recognized & Portable Qualification in CARICOM / Rest of the World
  • The CVQ ensures that you can perform in the workplace
  • Your past work experience and skills will count towards the CVQ
  • If you don't complete the CVQ at a centre or school you can continue at another approved centre.
Who can receive the CVQ?
  • Secondary School Graduates
  • School leavers without certification
  • Employees
  • Displaced workers seeking new skills to re-enter the workforce
  • Self employed individuals
  • Persons seeking new skills

How can I get a CVQ?
CVQs are flexible. There are no time limits and no special entry requirements. Anyone can work towards CVQ Certification. You can be certified:

  • In Secondary Schools
  • In the workplace
  • By registering and training with any approved training institution
  • By registering with the NTA if you have already acquired the necessary skills

Candidates are entered for assessments in specific skill areas. When a candidate is ready, the assessor assesses his/her competence. Successful completion of a unit will be recorded and recognized on an official transcript.

The candidate will gain a full CVQ Award when all the units specified in the qualification structure have been accumulated. Based on the evidence provided by the training provider and the external verifier, the candidate will be awarded a CVQ certificate. How are persons assessed for the CVQ Award? A person pursuing a CVQ Award is required to demonstrate competence in work-based activities simulated in the school workshop/laboratory.

Assessments are comprised mainly of the following methods:

  • Observation of performance
  • Examination of products
  • Oral questioning
  • Written testing
  • Appraisal of a portfolio

A person can be assessed as many times as it takes to prove competence in the occupational area. Where a candidate has a grievance arising from the assessment process he/she can make an appeal to the Awarding Body. What is the Value of the CVQ?

  1. The CVQ is an award that is based on the assessment of competency towards workplace performance. Like other vocational qualifications in developed countries, it is based on occupational standards that are informed by recent industry practices.
  2. The introduction of the CVQ will provide an opportunity for the Rationalization of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in St Lucia. This includes the review of all curricula and the redesign of assessment and evaluation approaches. The establishment of a coherent TVET system is therefore possible.
  3. The CVQ operating model is industry driven and affords the opportunity to introduce new technology and materials into the curriculum.
  4. The development of education and training packages can be more effectively aligned to work place performance requirements. A direct outcome is that the system can now produce a workforce that is better prepared for the world of work.
  5. The design of the CVQ is based on the competency based approach to education and training (CBET) and is therefore learner-centered. The applications of flexible methods of instructions are recommended to ensure that there is opportunity for inclusion of all citizens.
  6. It has Caribbean-wide recognition and facilitates the free movement of labour across the region.

Who awards the CVQ?

The St Lucia Council for TVET (SLCTVET) is the certifying body for the CVQ in St Lucia. Other National Training Agencies (NTAs) in the Caribbean can also award the CVQ. The Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) awards the CVQ in secondary schools.

Why CVQ?
  • Opportunity to be certified
  • Enhanced employability
  • Alternate routes to further/higher education
  • Parallel standing with academic qualifications
  • Real world of work experience
  • Higher earning potential
  • Recognised and Portable Qualification throughout CARICOM/CSME

See a presentation of our CVQ Process. Click the Play button


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